What do customer satisfaction and solidarity initiatives have in common? Simple: a shared commitment! For the third consecutive year, we at Cereal Docks Food have ‘challenged’ our customers to return as many customer satisfaction questionnaires as possible, allocating a small donation to a charity for each one.
To the total amount collected we have added our contribution: this year we have destined it to Banco Alimentare, a non-profit association born in 1989 and present in Italy with the homonymous Foundation and 21 territorial organizations.
The Banco Alimentare association deals with reducing food waste by promoting the collection of foodstuffs to be redistributed to people in difficulty through 8,000 charitable structures, located throughout our country. The collected products, still edible, often cannot be marketed by companies and large retailers for market reasons: they are therefore redistributed free of charge to the affiliated structures thanks to precious volunteers.
Banco Alimentare actively promotes policies to combat food waste, poverty and social exclusion, collaborating with European and national institutions. Its mission perfectly reflects our commitment and our vision, in line with the 17 sustainable development goals promoted by the UN in the 2030 Agenda and with the vocation of Cereal Doocks Food in the production of ingredients for a good and healthy diet.
In a time of general difficulty, caused by the Covid 19 epidemic, we want to be even closer to the weakest people in difficult situations, to help guarantee them adequate livelihood.
We want to thank all Cereal Docks Food Customers who participated in our customer satisfaction survey contributing to an initiative that is particularly close to our heart.