Once again this year Nateeo supports the Banco Alimentare in donating 100,000 meals* to needy people in the Veneto region, underlining the company’s deep bond with the community in which it operates.
A gesture intended to offer tangible support to people in serious economic difficulty, also made possible thanks to Nateeo’s customers; in fact, as every year, the donation was linked to the number of customer satisfaction questionnaires filled in.
The current socio-economic context in Italy sees a growing demand for support to charitable organisations. ISTAT 2024 data show that, in the last ten years, the absolute poverty rate in Italy has risen from 6.9% to 9.8% of the population, involving 5,752,000 people. In 2023, inflation, which particularly affected food prices, increased household spending costs by 9.0%. Moreover, in recent months, complex administrative and bureaucratic dynamics have slowed down the disbursement of national and European funds to support people in severe economic hardship and food poverty.
In this context, since 1989 the Banco Alimentare has been playing an important social role in combating food poverty and marginalisation, responding to the growing demand for help from individuals and families.
Banco Alimentare recovers surpluses from the food supply chain and distributes them to some 7600 Territorial Partner Organisations, which in turn distribute them to people in need. The challenge of this charity is to further expand the network of donors in the food supply chain, saving food surpluses that would otherwise be wasted and giving value back to food that is still good. In 2023, Banco Alimentare managed to recover more than 45 thousand tonnes of food from industry, large-scale retail trade, organised catering and others; however, at European level 58 million tonnes of what is produced is then wasted.
The renewal of Nateeo’s commitment with the Banco Alimentare is an act of solidarity that brings significant help to the community in our area.
“One of Nateeo’s five values is People,’ says Silvia Santarelli, the company’s CEO, ‘who represent the most powerful engine of a change that must first of all start with ourselves. We have decided to commit ourselves to help those in difficulty and to fight food waste: two ‘good causes’ that the Banco Alimentare is pursuing not only with generosity and a spirit of service, but also with great efficiency, professionalism and organisational capacity. I thank the customers of Nateeo who contributed to this year’s donation with the hope that they will become more numerous in the future“.
“We express our gratitude to Nateeo,” emphasises Giovanni Bruno, president of the Banco Alimentare Foundation, “for once again supporting the activities of Banco Alimentare, expressing closeness this year to the Veneto region. The partnership over time remains an important value for us to emphasise and promote, for the benefit of the many people increasingly in difficulty”.
At a time when the number of people below the poverty line continues to grow, it is of fundamental importance to reduce food waste and create value for the entire community through activities that bring a common benefit. United we can make a difference!
Discover Banco Alimentare: https://www.bancoalimentare.it/
*1 meal equivalent corresponds to a mix of 500 g of food according to LARN (Reference Intake Levels of Nutrients and Energy for the Italian population).