Promoting on the job training and the encounter between school and the world of work is a great opportunity to create a concrete connection with students: for this reason, Cereal Docks Group is constantly committed to fostering their relationship. We at Cereal Docks Food have embraced this philosophy by welcoming to the production plant in Camisano Vicentino some students and professors of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Bologna, who came to visit last week immersing themselves in our working reality.
Our colleagues, with their passion and enthusiasm, have guided professors and students into the world of our plant lecithins, illustrating the characteristics and differences by application and introducing the functioning of the production plants.
Lecithins, produced in compliance with the strictest standards and from non-GMO raw materials, are quality ingredients̀ and are the result of our experience, professionalism and passion.
These are the values we wanted to transmit and share with the new generations interested in the ingredients sector.
It will be increasingly important to connect the world of work and the world of education, in order to have a continuous exchange of knowledge and values between the younger generations and the adult world.
We need to invent a new future together.
“Only those who dare may fly” and to fly it is essential to study, know and continue to learn.
Thanks to the students, the teachers, Professor Andrea Monti and Professor Federica Zanetti, to our colleagues who accompanied the students to our industrial reality, to the managers of the Group’s production departments and to Cereal Docks Group for making this uplifting meeting possible.