Efficiency, security, dematerialization for an increasingly paperless company. The objectives of the Weighs 4.0 Project are the new digital booking system for vehicle access to production plants for the loading and unloading of products and goods.
Already successfully launched at the Marghera plant, the system has also been activated in the Camisano Vicentino plant in recent weeks and will gradually be extended to all the Group’s production sites.
A multi-lingual interactive touch screen totem is positioned in the parking area for heavy vehicles. Thanks to the simple and intuitive navigation menu, drivers can now perform a series of operations to ensure the acceptance of vehicles to the production plant in a more streamlined way, respecting safety regulations.
The advantages of this new technology are manifold for the loading/unloading operators, for the carriers and freight forwarders with whom we work and for our customers. There is a clear improvement in the organization of the work and a greater accuracy of the documentation and information transmitted, thus reducing the probability of error. In addition, we guarantee our customers faster deliveries.
The digital management of operations has and will have a great impact on the use of paper: the ribs, previously in paper, are now exclusively visible in the management software with a reduction in the use of paper estimated around 170,000 thousand sheets/year.
Corporate digitalization is one of the many challenges imposed by the current historical moment and requires a profound change of mentality. Digitizing doesn’t just mean sending an email instead of a business letter or dematerializing some operations. It means adapting all business processes to the needs imposed by the digital age, where execution speed and efficiency are the fundamental requirements. The commitment of all of us goes in this direction.
We would like to thank our team, the Group’s logistics and IT contacts and our carriers for contributing to the success of this new project, certain that together we can make a difference.